Pantai Manggar Balikpapan

Menghabiskan waktu liburan di Kota Balikpapan belumlah lengkap jika tidak mengunjungi objek wisata yang satu ini. Pantai Manggar Segarasari atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Pantai Manggar saja, merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata favorit yang cukup melegenda di Kota Balikpapan.

Outbond staf DPRD Kaltim

Outbond staf DPRD Kaltim

Dengan air laut yang jernih, riak gelombang yang kecil serta pasir yang putih, merupakan tempat yang nyaman bagi mereka yang ingin bermain, berlayar maupun berbagai macam olahraga.

Begitu menyenangkannya suasana Pantai Manggar hingga tak jarang dijadikan tempat penyelenggaraan even-even bersifat rekreatif dan menambah suasana keakraban, termasuk yang dilakukan oleh ARKANANTA OUTDOORS saat memberikan OUTBOUND PROGRAM bagi staf DPRD tingkat I Kaltim

pantai yang dibuka dari jam 06.00-18.00 WITA ini cukup mudah dijangkau dengan kendaraan bermotor.

pantai kebanggaan masyarakat Balikpapan ini hanya berjarak sekitar 15 km dari pusat kota Balikpapan atau dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 20-25 menit ke arah timur.

ARKANANTA OUTDOORS menyajikan berbagai permainan menarik seperti TEAMBUILDING GAMES, PAINTBALL dan BANANA BOAT. tidak lupa makan siang yang nikmat di pinggir pantai diiringi musik organ tunggal

Pacitan yang berada di wilayah Jawa timur ini memiliki banyak pantai indah yang eksotis.
Salah satu pantai yang masih cukup ‘perawan’ adalah pantai klayar.
Camera 360
Terletak 45 km sebelah barat Pacitan, pantai ini dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan motor atau mobil. Jangan kaget karena perjalanan ke pantai klayar cukup menantang dengan jalan yg sempit, tanjakan terjal, turunan curam dan tkungan-tikungan tajam.

Tapi tantangan tersebut terbayar lunas saat tiba di pasir pantainya yang bersih dan belum terkotori oleh sampah.

Pantai ini cukup sepi, terutama saat bukan hari libur atau weekend, hanya terdapat beberapa warung- milik warga yang berjualan makanan sederhana serta 4 kamar mandi yang disewakan masyarakat

Pantai klayar diapit oleh gugusan karang di kanan-kirinya. Pengunjung dapat mendaki bukit karang di sebelah kanan dimana terdapat gardu pandang di puncaknya. Dari gardu pandang ini kita dapat menikmati landscape pantai klayar yg menawan dengan deburan ombaknya yang menghantam karang dan menimbulkan buih-buih putih yang eksotis
Puas menikmati landscape pantai klayar, pengunjung dapat menyusuri pasir pantai yang putih ke arah timur. Kita akan menemukan sungai kecil yang mengalir membelah pantai dan bertemu arus laut di ujungnya kemudian menyatu.
Menyeberangi sungai ini memiliki sensasi tersendiri, di beberapa titik kedalamannya mencapai paha orang dewasa.
Tak jauh dari sungai ini terdapat sungai lain yang lebih kecil namun tak kalah cantiknya mengalir tenang membentuk muara kedua. Dasarnya berpasir hitam dengan gurat-gurat pasir puth yang terbawa dari pantai.

Di ujung timur terdapat sebuah laguna yang terlihat cantik dan kokoh digulung ombak yang memecah dan berputar di dinding karang laguna.

Menjelang senja bola matahari tampak mengintip di batas cakrawala seakan berpamit pada pasir putih.


Panther Mania sebagai sebuah club otomotif tgl 6-8 juli 2012 lalu mengadakan JAMBORE NASIONAL PANTHER 2012. JAMNAS PANTHER yang baru pertama kali diadakan ini diikuti oleh 157 unit mobil isuzu panther yang terkenal sebagai ‘rajanya diesel’ serta 600an peserta yang terdiri dari bapak, ibu dan anak-anak JAMNAS PANTHER 2012 dilaksanakan di dieng yang merupakan wilayah banjarnegara dan wonosobo. Lokasi dieng -tepatnya- pelataran candi arjuna dipilih sebagai lokasi JAMBORE NASIONAL PANTHER 2012 karena berada di tengah-tengah bagi seluruh peserta yang berasal dari Jakarta, Jawa barat, Jawa timur dan Jawa tengah Didukung oleh berbagai pihak sponsor seperti Astra Isuzu, ASCO, Shell, Asuransi Astra Buana, ACC, Garda Oto, Irama Sejuk Sentosa, Rahardja Eka Lancar serta Achilles maka JAMNAS PANTHER 2012 ini menjadi sangat meriah Pelepasan peserta JAMNAS PANTHER 2012 untuk wilayah Jakarta dan Jawa barat dilaksanakan di training centre Astra Isuzu Pondok Ungu, Bekasi tgl 6 juli 2012 usai shalat Jumat berjamaah Untuk peserta Jawa timur dilepas di Astra Isuzu Waru, Surabaya Acara JAMBORE NASIONAL PANTHER 2012 diakhiri dengan penanaman pohon cemara ciu di bukit kali lembu desa patakbanteng yang dihadiri oleh bupati Wonosobo, Bapak H. Kholiq sekaligus peresmian perubahan nama menjadi BUKIT PANTHER Banyak kata yang tak bisa terangkai……. Banyak hasrat yang tak tercapai…… Semoga JAMBORE NASIONAL PANTHER berikutnya bisa menjadi sarana untuk menyatukan para pengguna isuzu panther di seluruh Indonesia Salam Panther wush….wush…..wush

Posted from Arkanantadroid


open trip karimun jawa juni

arkananta outdoors Open trip karimunjawa di bulan juni tgl 1-3, 2-4, 4-6, 8-10, 15-17, 22-24, 29-1 juli.

Paket 3hari 2malam, Via jepara kapal express bahari pp

Fasilitas yang didapat
-tiket kapal expres pp
-makan 6x
-kapal wisata 2hari
-pemandu wisata
-snack 2x
-biaya masuk tempat wisata
-alat snorkling +life jaket
-ikan bakar
-es kalapa muda
-transport lokal (antar jemput dari pelabuhan ke Homstay 2x)
-dokumentasi bawa laut (under water)

Tempat yang di akan dikunjungi
-pulau tengah
-pulau kecil
-pulau gosong kemloko
-pulau menjangan besar (penangkaran Hiu)
-pulau menjangan kecil (sport ikan Hias)
-tanjung gelam/ ujung gelam

Harga mulai dari Rp 600an ribu……

Posted from Arkanantadroid

Diskon 50% Tiket Untuk Setiap Pembelian Produk Sosro
01 Dec 2011 – 15 Jun 2012 | Ocean Park

Dapatkan kupon Diskon 50 % Tiket Ocean Park untuk setiap pembelian produk
Sosro yaitu  4 Tehbotol Sosro Kotak/Less Sugar, Fruit Tea Sosro Genggam, Happy
Jus Genggam dan Country Choice atau kombinasi produk-produk tersebut
Promo ini berlaku di Supermarket/minimarket seperti Giant, Hypermart, Lotte
Mart, Carrefour, Hero, Indomaret, Tip Top dan supermarket/minimarket
bertanda lainnya.

Untuk mendapatkan kupon tersebut,tukarkan struk pembelian ke petugas kasir/
SPG di loket masing-masing outlet. Simpan struk dan kupon untuk
ditukarkan di counter tiket Ocean Park.

Periode program: 1 Desember – 15 Juni 2012


Posted from Arkanantadroid


dufan, rafting, paintball promo


Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Bumi, Ancol memberikan HARGA SPESIAL rekreasi di:

Weekdays only Rp95.000
Weekend only Rp110.000

Weekdays only Rp45.000
Weekend only RP55.000

Weekdays only Rp45.000
Weekend only RP55.000

Dengan menyerahkan Flyer Berwarna Hijau Betuliskan “SPECIAL PRICE ON EARTH DAY” Di loket2 DUFAN, ATLANTIS dan SAMUDRA.

PERIODE BERLAKU MULAI : 26 Maret –30 April 2012



Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Bumi, Ancol memberikan HARGA SPESIAL rekreasi di:

Weekdays only Rp95.000
Weekend only Rp110.000

Weekdays only Rp45.000
Weekend only RP55.000

Weekdays only Rp45.000
Weekend only RP55.000

Dengan menyerahkan Flyer Berwarna Hijau Betuliskan

PERIODE BERLAKU MULAI : 26 Maret –30 April 2012


Posted from Arkanantadroid

How to Get More Traffic

Posted: October 24, 2011 in Uncategorized

How to Get More Traffic.

Nomer-nomer telepon PENTING……..

mulai dari telp rumah sakit, pos polisi, polsek, dinas kebakaran, kantot SAR, PDAM dll




Day 1 : Balikpapan – Tarakan – Malinau

Morning flight to Tarakan city.Exciting excursion is beginning  to Malinau by speedboat for 3 hours .Find gold color river and suddenly if lucky you will see proboscis monkey  jumping from tree to another tree. Also if lucky find Pesut fish (Irrawadi Dolphin) around the river as well. Overnight at simple guesthouse nearby Malinau’s river or direct 1 hour by car  to setulang village  . (LD)

Day 2 : Malinau   –   Setulang Village

Morning excursion to Setulang village by car for 1 hour Welcome and stay at one of Dayak’s family house. Interactive and see their daily activity. You may involved and learn how to cook traditional food, fishing at setulang river . You can explore history of village and Dayak Kenyah Uma’ Lung by discussion with older. (BLD)

Day 3  :   Trekking Tana Olen (Cifor Tree,Waterfall)

Today, our exploration is beginning across the jungle called Tane’ Olen by small boat. Medium trekking to cifor tree and see greeny forest. Find real jungle, untouchable mother nature, forget global warming and feel how important the forest is . Pass by small waterfall, swimming and prepare simple lunch in somewhere on this beautiful greeny atmosphere. Local guides will company and explained how communities live depending forest and a survival way in forest. Overnight at simple bushcamp before the sun down. Dinner at bushcamp. (BLD)

Day 4  :  Trekking  Tana Olen (Kaze bezu,Waterfall)

Morning, medium trekking to Kaze Bezu (local name for a huge size of Shorea tree) and continue to hornbill viewpoint. It’s a higher ground and you can see a wonderful view with Hornbill flies over the sky. You will see one of Dayak people try to call hornbill birds. A long the river, you can walk through small rapids and small waterfall. Dinner with menu traditional fish grill   (BLD)

Day 5 :  Setulang village – Dayak dance  

Back to the village, You can also explore Dayak’s traditional architecture such Adjang Lideng hall, small house for keeping Padi / rice from mice and flood called “Lumbung Padi”, making long boat,visit traditional cemetery which is across the river and woodcarving on all gates in the village. After that you can buy some souvenirs handmade such as traditional Dayak hat, handycraft traditional sword/ mandau. (BLD)

Day 6: Malinau – tarakan – Balikpapan

Today we depart to Malinau and proceed to Tarakan by speedboat and continue to airport to catch  flight to Balikpapan .Arrive at Balikpapan airport and transfer to Hotel  Overnight at hotel (BLD)

Day 7:  Transfer out 

Transfer to  Balikpapan airport  or catch your next destination program (B) .



The Price is including:

-AirTix Balikpapan – Tarakan VV

-Speed Boat Tarakan – Malinau VV

-Transportation as per program aboved (Boat & Car)

– F/B simple Dayak meals as per program aboved


-2 Nt Simple Accomodation (Dayak Family house)

-2Nt Simple shelter at Camp Tana Olen

-1 Nt Accomodation 3star hotel in Balikpapan


Note: Simple traditional Dayak people Meals & Accommodation

Group will be split accommodated into 1 or 2 room / dayak family house

Electricity will be started at 06.30PM-10.30PM

BANTEN ADVENTURE (Baduy, Pulau Rambut, Ujung Kulon, Krakatau, Umang Island, etc)


Baduy Village (cultural) Tour – Day trip (~ 12hours)


Itinerary: Depart from Jakarta at about 06.00 drive to Ciboleger via Rangkasbitung, trekking to Gajeboh village where the spectacular hanging bamboo bridge located, three villages passing side; Kaduketug, Balingbing and Marengo (lunch)

What to see: Beautiful passing side of province road after highway to Ciboleger, amazing traditional house of the tribe, rice barn, home industry, tribal daily activity, Ladies weaving cloth, etc.

Souvenirs: choices of local handicraft, pure honey of jungle bee, palm brown sugar, etc.

Pulau Rambut – the kingdom of bird  – Day trip


About 45 hectare island in northwest of Jakarta. Rambut island is the home of more than 50 species, both sea bird and on land, such as Ardea purpurea, Ardea cinerea, Egretta alba, Egretta garzetta, Ergetta sacra, Mycteria cinerea, Plegadis falcinellus, Anhinga melanogaster, Egretta intermedia, Bubulcus ibis, at least 20.000 of them live together, we can enjoy it on the 15m tower view.

The island rich of huge trees and mangrove live so many insect and reptile, big monitor lizard and python will be easy to find. Don’t forget to bring your hat.


We can make a visit to the crocodile farm nearby

Price include:

Land & sea transportation,  entrance fees & permit, Tour guide & local guide, lunch & refreshment.


Krakatau Volcano day trip


One day tour itinerary  (12 ~ 13 hours)

At 05:30 pick up from hotel lobby and drive about two half hours long to Carita beach, continue by speedboat and take about one half hours to the Anak Krakatau, climb up to the outer cone / lip of the former crater, sail around the volcano then stop at Legon cabe sandy beach of Rakata island to enjoy swimming and snorkeling.

Stop at the 1885 Dutch lighthouse on the way back to Jakarta.

Service coverage:

Air conditioned transport include driver and toll fee, pick up from hotel and finish to hotel or free charge transfer direct to airport or to train station for departure time at least no earlier than 20:00 hrs.

Experience English tour guide and local guide.

F&B: lunch box meals and seafood barbeque on the beach mineral water,

Bintang favorite beer or choice soft drink: sprite n coke.

Sea transportation: 9 meters double engine speed boat with life safety jacket.

Tours as per itinerary wz free charge of masker & snorkel.



Krakatau Volcano Two days tour

First day: flexible departure time from hotel, drive to Anyer beach and visit the 1885 Dutch lighthouse, continue drive to Carita beach for overnight, free and leisure at rest of the day. (sunset view hotel)

Last day: after breakfast to the Anak Krakatau, climb up to the outer cone / lip of the former crater, sail around the volcano then stop at Legon cabe sandy beach of Rakata island to enjoy swimming and snorkeling, afternoon back to Jakarta.


We also can Camping at Krakatau



The three days popular trip to

Krakatau volcano & Ujung Kulon National Park


Option A – flexible on departure time.

Day One: Jakarta – Carita beach. (Dinner)

Arrival from airport or pick up from hotel, drive to Carita beach, visit the 1885 Dutch lighthouse at Anyer, continued to hotel, free & easy at Desiana cottage

Day two: Carita – Krakatau – Peucang island. (B/fast, lunch, dinner)

After breakfast by boat to Krakatau island, get on shore and climb up to the outer cone / lip of the former crater, continue to Peucang island then check in hotel, afternoon tour to Karang Copong

Day three: Peucang – Carita – Jakarta. (B/fast & lunch)

Tour to Cidaon, back to hotel, enjoy swimming or snorkeling, after lunch get ready back to Jakarta.


Option B – more leisure on the last day.

Day One: Jakarta – Carita – Krakatau – Peucang island. (Lunch & dinner)

Depart from hotel at about 06:00a.m. direct drive to Carita and by boat to Krakatau, continue to Peucang island, afternoon Karang Copong tour.

Day two: Peucang island – Carita (B, L, D)

Morning tour to Cidaon, back to hotel, enjoy swimming or snorkeling, at about 3 p.m. by boat to Carita

Day three: Carita – Jakarta / airport (B)

Free and easy in the morning, flexible time back to Jakarta, visit the 1885 Dutch lighthouse at Anyer


What to see:

Karang Copong: a huge coral located in the northern cliff (opposite of the pier) of  Peucang island, the tour is  about 3hours (same way return) tracking across the primary rain forest, there we have strong possibility to find deer, wild pig, varanus monitor lizard, peacock visible in the distance, good view from the high point of the cliff


Cidaon: a savannah was made on purpose for the wild ox, about 800m across the strait to Java island andtrack about some hundreds meters traverse to jungle, there’s a flock of them usually grassing.


Package inclusive of:

Air conditioned transportation, Experience English tour guide & local guide, F&B: meals as per itinerary and refreshment, cold box with more than enough bottle of mineral water, Sea Transportation: double engine speed boat, life safety jacket. Accommodation: Desiana cottage at Carita beach and Wanawisata lodge at Peucang island, Tours as per itinerary, free charge masker & snorkel.

Krakatau & Ujung Kulon 4D/3N


Day One: Jakarta – Carita beach.

Arrival from airport or pick up from hotel, drive to Carita beach, visit the 1885 Dutch lighthouse at Anyer, continued to hotel, free & easy at Desiana cottage

Day two: Carita – Krakatau – Peucang island. (B/fast, lunch, dinner)

After breakfast by boat to Krakatau island, get on shore and climb up to the outer cone / lip of the former crater, continue to Peucang island then check in hotel, afternoon tour to Karang Copong

Day three: Peucang island (B/fast, lunch & Dinner)

Tour to Cidaon, back to restaurant for breakfast, after breakfast triangle trekking tour to Cibom – Ciramea -Tanjung layar (4~5hours), back to the lodge and enjoy swimming or snorkeling atbthe rest of the day.

Day four: Peucang – Carita – Jakarta. (B/fast & lunch)

Morning free program, enjoy the island scenery and get ready to depart for 5~6hours journey to Jakarta, make a stop at 1885’s Anyer lighthouse


Package inclusive of:

Air conditioned transportation, Experience English tour guide & local guide, F&B: meals as per itinerary and refreshment, cold box with more than enough bottle of mineral water, Sea Transportation: double engine speed boat, life safety jacket. Accommodation: Desiana cottage at Carita beach and Wanawisata lodge at Peucang island, Tours as per itinerary, free charge masker & snorkel.




A New concept to visit Krakatau & Ujung Kulon park

4days / 3nights smart tour program to Nature heritage Site


Selling feature:

The round trip tour makes always get different view and passing site

Variety transport: land, slow wooden boat, and speed boat

Mascot object of the park, canoeing at Cigenter river, Mangrove, Rhino habitat, Wild animals

More time for photo hunting and  marine activity such as swimming and snorkeling

Relax time on the last day


Day One: Jakarta – Sumur – Handeuleum island (Lunch, Dinner)

Drive from Jakarta through highway and provincial road to Sumur via Pandeglang, Citeureup and Cibaliung, continue about by slow wooden boat about 1 hour to Handeuleum island, free and leisure at the rest of the day, late afternoon  foto hunting of wild deer and mangrove

Day two: Handeuleum – Peucang island (B/fast, lunch, dinner)

Morning the speedboat will pick up us to bring to Cigenter river mouth then by canoe cruising at Cigenter river, having some jungle track near the upstream as Rhino’s habitat, sail by speedboat to Peucang island for lodge, afternoon tracking through the primary rain forest on Karang Copong tour, back to the logde for overnight

Day three: Peucang island – Krakatau – Carita (B/fast, lunch & Dinner)

Early morning tour to Cidaon for Wild Ox grassing, back to restaurant for breakfast, check out then about two and half hour sail to Krakatau volcano, get on shore and climb up to the outer cone / lip of the former crater, snorkeling in recommend poin at Legon Cabe of Rakata island, sail back to Carita for overnight, free and leisure at the rest of the day

Day four: Carita – Jakarta. (B/fast)

Morning free program, visit the Krakatau monitoring office at Pasauran to see the fluctuation activity of the volcano by seismograph and drive to Jakarta via Anyer and Cilegon, make a stop at 1885 Anyer lighthouse

Package inclusive of:

Air conditioned transportation, Experience English tour guide & local guide, F&B: meals as per itinerary and refreshment, Bintang beer,  cola soft drink in cold box and more than enough bottle of mineral water, Sea Transportation: double engine speed boat, wooden slow boat, canoe, life safety jacket. Accommodation: Desiana cottage at Carita beach and BKSDA lodge at Handeuleum and Peucang island, Tours as per itinerary, free charge masker & snorkel.




Tanjung Lesung: 3 days package

Krakatau volcano, Ujung Kulon park & Baduy village.


Day one: Jakarta – Baduy village tour – Tanjung Lesung (L, D)

Morning drive from Jakarta direct to Ciboleger

Visit Baduy village, track to kampung Gajeboh of black Baduy to see

the spectacular bamboo suspension bridge, look at ladies weaving cloth, local souvenir hunting (photographing is permitted).

Continue drive to Tanjung Lesung resort for overnight, dinner at hotel


Day two: Tanjung Lesung – Peucang island – Tanjung Lesung (B, L, D)

After breakfast leave for peucang island, visit Cidaon of Java island to see wild Ox grassing, back to peucang island then track over the primary rain forest to Karang Copong, afternoon sail back to Tanjung Lesung


Day three: Tanjung Lesung – Krakatau – Jakarta (B, L)

After breakfast, check out then sail to Anak Krakatau, get on shore of the volcano, see the possibility to climb, or just sail around if in active condition, enjoy snorkeling at Legon Cabe of the Rakata island, and seafood barbeque lunch afterward, sail to Carita and drive back to Jakarta.


Package include of:

A/C van transportation, double engine speedboat, full board meals,

Twin share accommodation at Tanjung Lesung Resort, English tour guide,

local guide, tour as per itinerary, permit & entrance fees



Umang island resort : 3 days package

Krakatau volcano & Ujung Kulon park


Day one:  Jakarta – Umang island resort

Drive from Jakarta direct to Umang island resort, free n easy rest of the day.


Day two: Umang island – Peucang island – Umang island

After breakfast leave for peucang island, visit Cidaon of Java island to see wild Ox grassing, back to peucang island then track over the primary rain forest to Karang Copong, afternoon sail back to Umang island resort

(seafood barbeque lunch served at the beach)


Day three:  Umang island resort – Krakatau volcano – Jakarta

After breakfast, check out then sail to Anak Krakatau, get on shore of the volcano, see the possibility to climb, or just sail around if in active condition, enjoy snorkeling at Legon Cabe of the Rakata island, and seafood barbeque lunch afterward, sail to Carita and drive back to Jakarta.


Package include of: A/C van transportation, double engine speedboat, full board meals, Twin share accommodation at Umang island resort, English tour guide, local guide, tour as per itinerary, permit & entrance fees



West & South Banten odyssey – 5 days



Day One: Jakarta – Carita beach.

Arrival from airport or pick up from hotel, drive to Carita beach, visit the 1885 Dutch lighthouse at Anyer, continued to hotel, free & easy at Desiana cottage


Day two: Carita – Krakatau – Peucang island. (B/fast, lunch, dinner)

After breakfast by boat to Krakatau island, get on shore and climb up to the outer cone / lip of the former crater, continue to Peucang island then check in hotel, afternoon tour to Karang Copong


Day three: Peucang island – Carita (B/fast & lunch )

Morning tour to Cidaon of Java island to see the wild Ox grassing, back to restaurant for breakfast, after breakfast sial to Cibom trekking to Tanjung layar the westernmost of Java island enjoy swimming or snorkeling afternoon sail back to Carita.


Day four: Carita – Pelabuhan ratu (B/fast, Lunch)

After b/fast long drive to Plabuhan ratu with many nice place to stop, such as: Rubber & Palm oil plantation, Pulo manuk beach, rock of Tanjung Layar traditional coal mines, along Indian ocean coastal road,

Late afternoon check in hotel at Pelabuhan ratu (Bayu Amrta hotel / cliff view)


Day five: Pelabuhan Ratu – Jakarta (B, L)

Morning free program, walk distance to the fish auction and local market or rilex in hotel pool,

Afternoon check out, leave for Jakarta, visit Lalay bat cave and Bagbagan suspension historical bridge,

Drive through Cikidang and Jagorawi highway to Jakarta

Package inclusive of:

Air conditioned transportation, Experience English tour guide & local guide, F&B: meals as per itinerary and refreshment, cold box with more than enough bottle of mineral water, Sea Transportation: double engine speed boat, life safety jacket. Accommodation: Desiana cottage at Carita beach and Wanawisata lodge at Peucang island, Bayu Amrta at Pelabuhan ratu, Tours as per itinerary.